By Daun M. Wright

PROMPT — I will not rest until ...
She had her good voice but it was silenced by the terror of past experiences
An everlasting struggle to be heard in the mess of abuse
Hollering in silence she tried to be heard but the coarse, unintelligible, guttural sound coming from her was unrecognizable...that's what happens when trauma visits the human experience
There is stillness but
A life is in turmoil, cries for help in the deafening silence of the ignorance of others, in the avoidance of those in denial, in the look of apathy in the eyes of those who know the truth
She is sinking in the weight of this muteness
Hindered from speaking out loud, from seeking clarity to understanding why?
Unable to sing, not able to speak and unable to make sense that though she's hollering on the insides, she's is rendered voiceless!!!
Is this society's way of saying shut up; you cannot speak; its not your turn, you do not matter;
Who are you that we should care?
Raped no justice
Oppressed but no advocate
Abused no escape
Imprisoned no chance for rehabilitation
Single mother no support
Teen mother alone and confused
Prayed no answer
Overworked grossly underpaid
Postpartum no one knows
Tired but can't find rest
Trauma but no therapy
Suicidal and no hope
Depressed only darkness
Homeless, no shelter
Hungry but no food
She had her good voice but she dared not speak
If she did, no one would hear her, no one would believe her
Bullied into silence, by a system that ignores her and pounds her into believing
That trauma is ok, as long as she stays quiet!!
So she fixes her gaze, gathers her scattered thoughts and keeps going!!
Daun M. Wright, aka The Permissible Poet, Podcaster & Freelance Creative Writer, pens poetry that speaks to the heart of our being, while allowing each reader to reflect on their life's journey. Daun lives in London, Ontario Canada.