By Chandra Persaud

PROMPT—I am grateful for ...
A long time ago—
I am a skill-less swimmer
Swallowed whole by the waves
In constant need of saving
A not so long time ago—
I am able to float in water
Aware of when I will drown
Finding help before the waves submerge me
I am able to tread and crawl in water
Pain, fear, uncertainty in each stroke
But I am learning
I am a skilled enough swimmer
Peacefully keeping my head above water
Longer than ever before
Chandra Persaud is a New York State licensed speech-language pathologist. When she is not improving the communication abilities of her clients, Chandra enjoys writing poetry (IG: @pieces_of_acp), short stories, and reflective pieces on topics such as love, heartbreak, identity, and self-actualization. She writes from Brooklyn, NY.