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Rather an Intermediate State

By Laszlo Aranyi (Frater Azmon)

PROMPT — I will not rest until ...

The same: to be or not to be... Illusory larval state...

The two reject the one,

his other half, so to speak.

It has become a ghostly, eternal borderline,

like the three

ubiquitous unclean spirits.

The demon-triad coming from the mouth of

the Dragon, the Beast and the False Prophet; all are toad-like

Dead wasps lie on a moldy moon-shadow-skin,

"gurgle, gurgle, gurgle",

the submerged man-head gurgling grotesquely;

so amusing of an end...

Eyes got caught up, the mouth is a lifeless gaping hole

between two protruding, bat-ears. (Ringing...)

In the doorway, the town dogcatcher, "Dogie" utters:

"Gentlemen, I have told you before, you could

learn from your dog,!" The author smells of mold and carcass,

the dogcatcher-like man leans to the firewall,

vomiting bile...

(Translated by Gabor Gyukics)


Laszlo Aranyi (Frater Azmon) is a poet, anarchist, occultist from Hungary. Earlier books: (szellem)válaszok, A Nap és Holderők egyensúlya. New: Kiterített rókabőr. English poems published: 44 different magazine (so far...). He writes from Budapest, Hungary.




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