By Gale Acuff
One day when I'm dead I'm supposed to come
to life again, I think I'll be in my
grave, my soul with my body, if I have
one, a soul that is, and then Jesus shows
up in the air and all us souls soar to
Him, at Sunday School it's the Rapture but
at the church across town your soul goes straight
to Heaven, that's what they believe I mean
--no waiting--it's like a one-hour photo
shop I guess but anyway I'm not sure
who's right, people at our church or at theirs, at
ten years old I'm really too young to know
very much of anything but I'd guess
that if both are correct then they're all wrong.
Gale Acuff has had hundreds of poems published in eleven countries and is the author of three books of poetry. He has taught university English in the US, China, and Palestine. He writes from Zababdeh, Palestine.