By Evelyn J. Caballero

PROMPT — Joy is ...
I run among wildflowers
in a meadow so vast
arms waving, laughing loud, trying
to catch the wind whispering by me
scents of pollen, pine, and grass.
The endless sky—hues of red and orange
twilight’s sun descended
horizon’s forest of ponderosa pine
coyote running in the distance
a cow, unmoving.
I hold the air with one breath
as I see this world
I lack the words
to describe the fullness in my chest
and yet I know this
very moment is sharing eternity.
Evelyn J. Caballero is a Filipina-American, an anthropologist, and a self-made poet. Her poems are published in the Journal of Expressive Writing and by the Society of Humanistic Anthropology. As an immigrant from the Philippines, she writes poems about American landscapes that she sees for the very first time. Evelyn writes from Fairfax, Virginia.