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By Faith Canright

PROMPT — What is Love?

your flavor of easy lies

lover of my deepest heart

our fragrance of stolen time

passion grows in lush green eyes

that warm gaze my ardor starts

your flavor of easy lies

I pull you to my breast, my crime

love-making our forbidden art

our fragrance of stolen time

clock hands race, alarm chimes

hours freeze when we’re apart

your flavor of easy lies

gone again my fancied life

forsaken ’til you gift a spark

our fragrance of stolen time

my pure choices seem unwise

my soul flaunts deceitful mark

your flavor of easy lies

our fragrance of stolen time


Faith Canright grew up in Dallas, Texas. Her talented mother taught her to read at the age of four, and in first grade she tested at a fourth-grade reading level. She wrote her first short story, a mystery, when she was 10. Faith lived in six states through her multiple careers, spending her business life as a technical writer. Eventually, she concentrated her talent and her time on poetry and fiction. Published in several anthologies with two publications pending, Faith now writes full time and lives in the Pacific Northwestern United States. She is currently writing a murder mystery novel.




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