By Anthony John Ward

PROMPT — If only ...
I stand captivated
Upon the shore of night and day,
Looking out to sea
The light receding towards darkness,
Drawn in by the dying rays of failing sun
As it declines below the horizon,
Where I witness the world in its natural intensity,
Feeling its immensity,
The tide pulling me into shore
And out to the vast unknown,
The consciousness of inner space
Ebbing with the celestial above.
I pick up a pebble, unearthed from the shifting sand,
Once a jagged rock, now smoothed and
Shaped by the tumultuous ocean
Like memories over time,
As I recall the refrain-
Life’s a beach…
Unwilling to complete the sentence.
Anthony John Ward loves the way words sound through silence. He is inspired by the nature of the world and the expression of art as humanity decrees to discover itself. He writes to express the overwhelming beauty of the natural world with the inspiring admiration of artistic creativity. Anthony writes from Durham, England.