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By Michael H Brownstein

PROMPT—I am grateful for ...

When I first saw you,

you felt like a breeze

on a hot summer's day

and I knew I had to stay

in your way--you had

perfect teeth, a blemish

in your eye, a scar at your neck--

I never knew why.

It's been quite awhile,

but you still make me smile,

and I love our walks in the park,

down the alleyways,

into the deepest woods.

It's you who gives me time to think,

meditate, exercise, levitate--

and to this day, I still don't know

how the scar at your neck

came to be a part of who we are.


Michael H. Brownstein's latest volumes of poetry, A Slipknot to Somewhere Else: A Poet's Journey To The Borderlands Of Dementia (2018) and How Do We Create Love (2019) were both published by Cholla Needles Press. He writes from Jefferson City, MO.




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