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First Dance

By John L Swainston


Her head was down

could not see her face.

Remembered what my grandfather

had told me: “Want a girlfriend,

make the loneliest girl happy.”

Walked up to her, stood right

in front of her - “Dance, please.”

And we did, all night long.

She wasn’t beautiful.

She wasn’t popular.

But her smile was stunning.

her eyes glittered like stars.

her laugh was unforgettable.

And WOW could she kiss.


John Swainston started writing poetry to cope with feelings of isolation during COVID. He learned the craft by taking Zoom classes in poetry and writing at Turning Point, a cancer support organization. He is a member of the Mystic Poet Society and the Kansas City Writers Group, as well as an alumnus of Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow. He has had several poems published: his first was in the Journal of Expressive Writing and a poem in Veterans’ Voices, where he received the Editor’s Choice Award. His first book of poems is schedule to be published in Spring, 2022. John is a retired Finance Executive, College Adjunct Professor, and Army Veteran. He writes from Gardner, Kansas.


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