By Adina Lynn LeCompte

PROMPT — Who am I today?
As a young girl, I had a set of panties with the days of the week on them. Each of the seven was a different color, with matching colored ruffle around the edges of the waist and leg holes, the day of the week in script font. For a short period of time, I coveted these underpants and was so very proud, feeling adult and important each time I wore Monday on a Monday, Tuesday on Tuesday… and so on.
Recently, while browsing Amazon, I found that PINK, an apparel line by Victoria Secret, also has a set of “days of the week” panties, for grown-ups. I bought a set. They arrived in the mail. I loved them. I bought a second set. They are comfortable cotton, but cute, also with colored lace lining the edges, and the days in complementary colored script. Each day has a little image, a cluster of strawberries, a triple scoop ice cream cone. (I don’t even pretend to understand the Leaning Tower of Pisa on Wednesday or the lemons on Friday, but I happily go along with it.)
The difference now is that I go out of my way to never wear the actual day of the week as it happens. Selecting a card at random from the deck, I reach my hand in the drawer each morn, but should I pull Sunday on an actually Sunday, back they go and I draw again. I suppose I am choosing asynchrony, independence and individuality — finally honoring and embracing finding my own groove. (I also tend to purposefully wear mismatched socks inside my winter boots.) Plus, it gives me something to giggle about.
Adina Lynn LeCompte is a sixth-generation Californian. After having lived in varying parts of the US and abroad in Florence, Italy, she has come home to roost, splitting her time between the Central Coast and the Foothills of Yosemite. She holds her Bachelors of Arts from UCLA (Language & Linguistics), her Master of Arts from Middlebury College School Abroad / Universita’ di Firenze (Language & Literature), and studied 4 years in the MDiv program at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado. Over the years, she founded several successful local businesses and worked as an interfaith hospital and hospice chaplain. Adina is a working writer, an award-winning poet, and is currently in process of publishing her book Spilling Ink: Write Your Way Into Healing. Additionally, she has designed an interactive transformative workshop by the same name that uses writing as a tool for healing from trauma, especially abuse and grief. She is also co-author of several compilations of poetry with her husband, John LeCompte, who is also a writer. (With These Words, I Thee Wed: Love Poetry was published in 2023.) Her most recent exciting endeavor is her acceptance into Bay Path Univeristy's MFA program in Creative Nonfiction, with an emphasis in Narrative Medicine.