By Colin Ian Jeffery

PROMPT — The way I see it ...
Hate rioted running amok
Screaming for civil war
Attacking police who held the line
Mindless thugs, fiendish hounds
Terrifying streets of Britain
Howling fury with need to destroy
Wanting immigrants hunted down
Despising those of different colour
Race, creed, religion and politics
Forced from blessed Isle shores.
They shall not break democracy
Standing firm against them
Paying price for infamy
With long prison sentences
Where in cells they regret
Fury of words and actions.
Colin Ian Jeffery is an English poet of the modernist movement with development of imagism stressing clarity, precision and economy of language. He has a strong reaction against war, tyranny, and oppression of truth and innocence, but unlike other poets in the modernism movement like Dylan Thomas and Ezra Pound, he has a profound faith in God. Colin writes from Caterham, England.