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The Journal of Expressive Writing Supports ALL Writers and Communities


              #StandUpToJewishHate  #StandUpToAllHate


The Journal of Expressive Writing actively seeks and celebrates the writing of all writers and protected groups, including but not limited to Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC), Asian and South-Asian writers, women, the LGBTQIA+ community, persons with disabilities, religious minorities—and people at the intersections of these identities—as well as all individuals across the full spectrum of writing backgrounds, experiences, education, and talents.


As the premier journal for expressive writing, we recognize the profound strength found in the diversity of our readers, writers, and networks. The Journal of Expressive Writing does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, cultural and religious heritages, geographic origins, socio-economic backgrounds, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, family structure, age, education, primary language, disability, veteran/uniformed service status, or any other classifications and characteristics. On the contrary, we seek to support and consciously elevate writing in order to honor and celebrate everyone's unique differences, beliefs, attitudes, values, and experiences. Our goal is to be a space of belonging based on deep principles and real solidarity, especially to marginalized individuals whose voices may be heard less often. In fact, our commitment to this goal is steadfast!


In this ongoing time of national and international upheaval and dialogue around structural inequalities, race relations, politics and geo-political ideologies, and religious beliefs, we also firmly respect and affirm the humanity and dignity of others, and grieve the wasted energy condemning one another. In fact, we seek to serve our readers and writers through the shared acknowledgment of lived experiences such as trauma, suffering, and injustice, while also bearing witness to love, joy and peace.


We are clear in our mission and we DO NOT tolerate hate speech under any condition. We also condemn violence and the calling for violence towards anyone or any community.

The Journal of Expressive Writing is deeply committed to healing the world through the power of the written word and affirming our shared vulnerability and humanity. We recognize that we are all connected and therefore, when one member of our human tribe is marginalized and oppressed and hurting, we are all marginalized and oppressed and hurting. Our goal is to use expressive writing to bring about hope first and foremost, and then move beyond hope to necessary change. Most importantly, while we recognize that this journal is small, our vision is that it is one small act towards moving the needle in a meaningful way.


We are ALSO aware that we are not immune to perpetuating the ongoing systems of injustice, even as we write this statement. The publishing industry is an institution like any other in the United States with rooted ineqaulity. The Journal of Expressive Writing is working towards change, externally and internally. Externally we continue to solicit open submissions with no reading fee to enable all writers to have their voices heard, and we seek a diverse range of voices for our Open Mic events. We also partner only with individuals and external networks that affirm our commitment to diversity, inclusion, and anti-hate, and we do not partake in the use of social media, as we feel it is counterintuitive to what we're trying to achieve. Internally we ensure that we create safe space for everyone. In addition, the founder of the journal does not pay herself a salary of any kind and incurs all expenses in making this journal possible as part of her philosophy of the "gift economy" and in recognition of her own privilege and position within the racial wealth gap. The same is true for our Open Mic producer and director.


The Journal of Expressive Writing thanks you for trusting us with your stories and voices.




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© 2025. All rights reserved. Journal of Expressive Writing. Cambridge, MA, USA.
We do not partake in the use of social media as we feel it is antithetical to the mission of the Journal.

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